
Tips On How To Overcome Social Anxiety Disorder

Do you also feel anxious when you are to encounter a large group of people? Or do you feel pressured to go on dates, parties, or any public setting? No worries, you are far from alone. Every three out of five people are suffering from the same problem and desperately looking for a cure. Social anxiety can be pretty overwhelming and excruciatingly painful. It can sometimes interfere with your everyday life and make you fear your company. It can be devastating. But before looking for a way to deal with it, we need to understand what exactly we are dealing with. This might sound weird to you, but social anxiety and social anxiety disorder are two different things. Yes, you heard it right; social anxiety is only limited to something like not wanting to socialize, having stage fears, or feeling anxious about meeting new people.

On the other hand, social anxiety disorder is something more severe than that. Social anxiety disorder involves fear of going to grocery stores, trembling, dizziness, difficulty making friends or talking to your co-workers, and inability to handle rejection or criticism. However, no matter how severe your social anxiety is, we can help you find ways to deal with it. 

Simple Steps To Help Overcome Social Anxiety

Having social anxiety can adversely impact your everyday life and make your survivance a living hell. It can be unpleasant seeing other people going to parties, wedding functions, and family gatherings and having fun. On the other hand, you feel a sense of unease and fear of being judged by people when you enter a room full of humans. Many things from your ordinary life can trigger your social anxiety and make you feel disgusted with your presence. But the only way to fight it is to face it. Following are some of the ways you can easily fight your social anxiety and breathe freely:

Get Yourself Out There

The first point I’m suggesting to you is to put yourself out there. As I said, to fight it, you will have to face it. So don’t think you can be in your room all day and magically cure your anxiety. When dealing with anxiety, it can be pretty tempting to avoid things that trigger it and stay in your comfort, but that can’t make it go away. It, however, will give you peace for a short time, but remember, you can’t always be just in your room. So what’s best for you is to learn to be okay with being uncomfortable, gather all the courage in the world, and go out there. Meet your old friend, have a conversation with your co-worker, attend your friend’s birthday party, and meet new people. These activities might sound scary to you now, and they indeed would be even scarier when you do them. But once you overcome the fear, you are going to thank me. 

Try To Be Around the Public As Much 

Another challenge for you is to be as much as possible around the public. This can be daunting to achieve. Being socially anxious and staying in public is like not being able to breathe. But that’s the only solution you have. To fight the fear, you will have to stand in front of it straightforwardly. That’s what this suggestion will do. Once you start going out in public, it will haunt you initially, but eventually, you will learn to be comfortable around the crowd and feel at ease. Also, don’t just be around the public but speak with them. Practice public speaking as much as you can to develop a habit. So that the next time you talk to someone you don’t know, you don’t get a panic attack. 

Control Breathing

You must have noticed that your breathing gets heavier when you feel anxious. That’s what anxiety does to your body. Your breathing starts to get fast and shallow, making you feel tense, dizzy, or suffocated. Therefore you must get hold of your breathing. Now how can you do that? Well, that’s easy. First, you can sit with your back straight, relax your shoulders, and breathe slowly through your nose for four seconds. Then, hold your breath for 2 seconds and let it out through your mouth for 6 seconds. Repeat this pattern several times every day until you get a good hold of your breath and feel relaxed. 

Try Exercising 

Exercising is another efficient therapy that can help heal your anxiety. Physical activities like jogging can help your body get tired and hence will fight off the excess adrenaline in your nervous system and keep you off stress and pressure of any kind. This can help you focus better and keep you cool. It will also help with other problems, like troubled sleep, concentration problems, bad eating habits, etc. If you don’t want heavy exercises, you can also try doing yoga; it will help with breathing and lower your blood pressure and heart rate. It can help improve your mood and anxiety. 


Many mental health specialists have advised that journaling has helped many patients cope with their anxious thoughts. It has been a perfect cure for many who don’t know how to be open about their thoughts and experiences. You can practice writing down your thoughts in your journal and then analyze what should be done about that. For example, before going to any social event, write down what’s making you nervous about going there and then analyze and find solutions to deal with them. In addition to that, try journaling the experience after the event to identify what could have been done better and what situations could have been handled much better. 


The tips mentioned above won’t cure your anxiety completely, but they will surely help with the symptoms and teach you how to deal with it. Along with the tips above, you must also take care of your body. Every ounce of reaction our body gives comes from our diet and how we care for our body. Therefore you must know what to eat, how much to eat, and what amount of water intake is healthy, etc. your diet will play a significant role in curing your mental health. Your mental health soaks the nutrition out of your body only, so make sure you feed your body correctly. Anyways, hope the tips mentioned above helped you. Also, to get expert guidance, you can visit the Premium Legacy Healthcare website and explore our services. Good luck, and stay healthy!!

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